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Prince George Lock

Started by djskinner, September 24, 2008, 07:51:42 AM

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For some good news on this subject see the entry under "Pursuiting".


Good news indeed!

I look forward to seeing visible signs of progress.


Good news.We are informed that the repair contract has been awarded to Dean & Dyball.Commissioing will take place late this year with full operation-if all goes well-early in the new year.Our thanks to the SPA and of course our Members during this difficult time which will shorly be just a memory
David CAKS Captain.Moonlight Saunter.


Thanks, as ever, David, for the update.

I still cannot find any reference to it on the Interweb and am surprised that this normally-efficient organisation is promulgating information so dismally seemingly.


At last I am able to bring some positive great news re the Prince George Lock.We are informed that:
"Prince George Lock will re-open officially on 30th January".
There will be a small ceremony in which the Club is involved.
David.Captain CAKS.


It would seem that there will be a short delay before we are up and running.Tim is in close contact with SPA.


We are informed by our Commodore that the lock will be open for our use at the end of this week-in good time for the start of our season.Good news indeed and thanks to all involved at the SPA.


Good news indeed!

Is this auspicious occasion to be marked in any way?



The Commodore & selected Club guests "will dance & skylark".
To be serious I understand that Bojangles will do some sort of ceremonial sailthrough followed by a lunch at Nautilus House.Not sure whether Dean & Dyball or the SPA are hosting but invites are very limited.I would assume that the press will be around.


Quote from: "djskinner"Not sure whether Dean & Dyball or the SPA are hosting . . .  
I thought they danced on ice!



So, is the Leisure Lock now open again?


I am delighted to report that on Friday-a suuny morning with little wind-the lock was declared open.The ceremony consisted of Bojangles,crewed by the Commodore and Tony Mouland,entering from the east.The outer where then opened and Bojangles,with bunting proudly flying,made her way out cutting a blue ribbon as she went.She then returned with Mean Feeling astern also flying every flag she had.The small gathering of Port Officials & Dean & Dyball then retired to Nautilus House for refeshments.I took some photos which I will put into the next Wavelength.
So , my Sailing Friends, we have the facility up & running.
David,CAKS Captain.

Steve Vyse

Having used the Prince George on Sunday for the first time since it was re-commissioned I have to say I'd forgotten how small it is compared with the main lock - you almost hold your breath conning in and out!

The only shame was having to wait whilst a commercial vessel was looked after in the main lock before the small lock was was opened. This held our exit up by 15-20 minutes which was a surprise, but I guess if the locks are short staffed then somebody has to go second.

On a much more positive note the Prince George does now seem to cycle really fast. I might have just got used to the time we spend going through the commercial lock, but I have a suspicion that the new system simply runs a lot faster than before which is superb.

Well done to Shoreham Port.


Thanks for that Steve.You try it in a cross wind with a 14ft beam!
Anyone reading this have you seen the local Herald? Pictures ect.

Steve Vyse
