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Depth of water at entrance to Shoreham Harbour.

Started by djskinner, June 12, 2007, 07:04:58 AM

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Returning from last Sundays Race we passed the West Arm some 50 metres to the South.We grounded before finding deep enough water.It was Neaps and some 1 1/2 hours after low water.On the Transit we had over 4 1/2 metres of water.The silt has built up to the West of the entrance and anyone entering near low water should stay at least 100 metres to the South before turning in on the transit.Barda alos touched.In bad weather on a falling tide it could be nasty.

Steve Vyse

Barda draws 1.8m and we did indeed bounce off a 'hard wave' a couple of times around 80m or so to the SW of the West arm. Would be very unpleasant in blow.

Jason was stoking the oven at the time and nearly joined our pasties. It was fairly useful for us as it demonstrated just how badly I need to stump up for some new instruments as our sounder claimed I had stacks of room under the keel!



Thanks for that Barda.It has all been reported by me to the Harbour Master who was not aware of the potential hazard and will be investigating.As you say a yacht on passage in nasty weather from the  Solent on a falling tide could be very vunerable.Not a place to be stuck even with Jason head first in the pasties!

Robin Stevenson

I have a solution.  We all get Sonatas, then you will be out long enough for the tide to build, and in any case they only draw 1.4 ish.

Kate and I had plenty of water by the time we got in with Rodeo!!  :D

Ben G Evans

very much support the sonata's all round proposition

lots of god ones on th emarket at the national sonata website!

hopefully boat will not be so slow after new sails fitted  :twisted:

Robin Stevenson

Good luck with the new sails Ben. Have fun :)


Further to the above posts the Harbour Master has issued a Notice to Mariners/Small Boat Users.After my report to Capt.Crookshank the area was surveyed and we are now advised as follows."A large shoal has developed on the western side of the west breakwater stretching approximately 180 metres to the south-We are advised that until such time as bed levelling is carried out our draughts approaching from W or SW should be restricted to a maximum of the predicted height of tide and a WIDE BERTH should be given during low water period" Full text is on the Main Notice Board.In other words keep to the Main Transit from at least a cable out at 1/2 tide and bellow..


We are informed by SPA that the entrance has been cleared .